About us

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Paola e Villiam –What you should know about us

                             Chefkoch Paola                  Villiam_Chefsomellier

Paola Färber Universtiy Degree in Roman Languages (M.A.), Frankfurt-Germany, Universtity Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures, Trento-Italy, Certified Sommelière (AIS), Italy, German Wines Consultant (Institute for German Wines), Germany

Villiam Campani State Certified Sommelier (IHK Frankfurt), Germany; Certified 4th level Sommelier (AIS), Italy; Certified German Wine Consultant (Institute for German Wines), Germany; Degree in Restaurant Management at International Hotel Institute, Frankfurt, Germany

Having spent many years gathering a wealth of work experience in Germany in the deluxe hotel industry and in renowned star-rated restaurants abroad, we decided in 1994 to relocate to the sunny climes of beautiful Tuscany! With the opening of our Ristorante Alla Pieve in 2003, we have expanded our activity in terms of a merger of synergies, whose main characters are the Tuscan wine and Tuscan food. Here we established also a professional wine consultant service, offering our expertise not only to restaurants and hotels, but also to private clients in our in-house wine store www.CultoDiVino.com.